Unkyung Hur
  • Cell 3D 1, 2013, 옻칠, 자개, 합판, 천, 80 x 120 x 15 cm
  • Blue Blobby, 2012, Marker, ball point pen on paper, 21 x 21 cm
  • Kirin, 2013, Korean traditional lacqure, 24k gold leaf, wire, 55 x 115 x 95 cm
  • Botanimal 5, 2014, Oil on canvas, 162 x 112 cm

UnKyung Hur was born in Seoul in 1964. After she graduated from the Department of Painting in Seoul National University, she attained her Bachelor and Master’s Degree from Art Center located in Pasadena in California, United States. She explored the relationship between vitality and energy through forms of geometrical structures. In her works, the fundamental order of nature has been reclaimed to the simple forms of geometric shape, and later, it conversely shows respect for life itself by revealing a desire to live with a strong motivation called self-propagation as its natural instinct in clinging to life in the extended works. She is well known for utilizing Korean traditional lacquer and mother-of-pearl, and her main works including paintings, drawings and sculptures feature the artist’s view on the world as it is represented through themes that the artist has been immersed in such as creation and extinction, time and existence, and earnest questions and introspection about life through the relationship between living organisms, which are perceived as extremely individual existence, and the universe. 


허은경은 1964년 태어나, 서울대학교 서양화과를 졸업 후 미국 캘리포니아주 패서디나에 위치한 아트센터에서 학사와 석사학위를 취득했다. 그녀는 기하학적 구조의 형상을 통해 생명력과 에너지의 상호관계를 탐구해왔다. 그녀의 작업에서 자연의 근원적 질서는 단순한 기하학적 형태로 환원 되었다가 이 후 확장된 작업에서는 역으로 자기증식이라는 강한 동기, 즉 자연의 본능에 따라 생에 집착하는 속내를 드러내며 살아 나가기를 염원하는 생명 자체의 경의를 보여준다. 자개와 옻칠기법을 이용해 작업활동을 해온 회화시리즈〈Cell〉, 드로잉〈Black Square Drawing〉, 조각 작업〈Unknown Creature〉을 선보이며, 작가가 그간 몰두해온 주제인 생성과 소멸, 시간과 존재, 지극히 개별적인 존재로써의 생명체와 우주와의 관계를 통해 생에 대한 진지한 물음과 성찰을 담은 세계관을 조명하고 있다.


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  • Unkyung Hur Boom Bang Garden Sep 16 – Nov 07, 2015 | Daegu
  • Unkyung Hur Under Cosmos Oct 16 – Nov 17, 2013 | Seoul


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  • Spence Art | Unkyung Hur in Group Exhibition 'Temporal Turn: Art and Speculation in Contemporary Asia' Nov 10, 2016
  • NCCA | EXTENSION.KR.10 contemporary South Korean artists at National Centre of the Contemporary Art Oct 13, 2016
  • Triump Gallery | Korean Artists at Triumph Gallery's Group Exhibition 'EXTENSION.KR' Apr 27, 2016


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  • Unkyung Hur 2014