Every night in May, Times Square's electronic billboards are filled with Jennifer Steinkamp's floating flowers. As a part of public art project Mindnight Moment , a monthly presentation by The Times Square Advertising Coalition (TSAC) and Times Square Arts, it brings the artist's brief film "Botanic" from 11:57pm to Midnight.
"Botanic" is an animation consisting of flowering condolence plants foating inside a cubic framework. The flowers are blown by an unseen force, causing the plants to collide with each other and the edges of the frame. With each collision, they break apart into a collection of seeds, twigs, leaves and petals. The animations loop forward and back, transitioning between breaking apart and coming back together. By placing the animations on multiple screens in Time Square, the container of the video expands to the space of the city, where the imagery of nature contrasts against the man-made architecture.
Jennifer Steinkamp: Botanic
Public Art Program Midnight Moment
Presented by The Times Square Advertising Coalition (TSAC) and Times Square Arts
Date: May. 1 - 30, 2016
Place: Times Square, New York, USA
Click here to see Jennifer Steinkamp's exhibitions at LEEAHN.
Above: Photograph courtesy of Ka-Man Tse for @TsqArts.